Insurance providers

The austrian social security system is organised through independent administrative institutions. These are the social insurance institutions and their umbrella organisation.

Social insurance institutions are under no direct state control, but are subject to state supervision. Some tasks are delegated tasks (e.g. the administration of care benefit). In those cases the institutions become active for and are under direct control of other authorities.

Federation of Austrian Social Insurances – Dachverband der Sozialversicherungsträger

The Federation of Austrian Social Insurances brings together the five social insurance institutions to represent common interests and coordinate cross-institutional tasks. In accordance with legal provisions, the Federation of Austrian Social Insurances has numerous tasks to fulfill.

Austrian Health Insurance Fund - ÖGK

The Austrian Health Insurance Fund administers health insurance for most employed persons and individuals for whom no other health insurance provider is responsible (general competence).

Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed - SVS

The Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed administers the statutory health, pension and accident insurance for self-employed individuals in the agricultural, commercial and freelance sector.

General Accident Insurance Institution - AUVA

The General Accident Insurance Institution is responsible for conducting accident insurance for all individuals subject to statutory accident insurance, for whom no other insurance provider is responsible (general competence).

Insurance Institution for Civil Servants, Railways and Mining - BVAEB

The Insurance Institution for Civil Servants, Railways and Mining administers health and accident insurance for civil servants, and for individuals in a civil-law employment relationship with the state, federal states or communes. Additionally, the BVAEB also administers health, pension, and accident insurance for individuals employed by public railways and public transport companies, as well as individuals employed in mining operations.

Pension Insurance Institution - PVA

The Pension Insurance Institution administers pension insurance for employees and workers, for whom no other insurance provider is responsible (general competence). The services provide protection against the financial risks of old age, occupational disability/incapacity and death. In addition, measures for preventive healthcare and rehabilitation shall maintain the individual’s ability to work.